stored response

英 [stɔːd rɪˈspɒns] 美 [stɔːrd rɪˈspɑːns]

网络  存储响应



  1. Using locally stored data tends to yield quicker response times, but the application should offer periodic updates to ensure that the user isn't looking at stale information.
  2. Orders are sent individually, the response from each order being stored for later aggregation into a single response message, which shows the status of all the elements in the batch request.
  3. If the key already exists, then the previous value will remain the same and you will get the response NOT_STORED.
  4. In this case, the Shared Context is straightforward, containing the parts of the response messages ( from the two back-end insurance services) that need to be stored to generate the aggregated response ( see Figure 2).
  5. Received responses are then stored in the cache according to cache meta data provided by the portlet as part of the response.
  6. Applications can use the Informix Scheduler API to automate stored procedures or user-defined routine executions at regular intervals or in response to specific triggers.
  7. Microsoft will allow foreign customers to have their personal data stored on servers outside the US, breaking ranks with other big technology groups that until now have shown a united front in response to the American surveillance scandal.
  8. On-line analytical processing ( OLAP) demands history data stored in database perennially, and response to the analysis and query quickly.
  9. It offloads the read queries and stored procedures which perform "Select" by dynamically caching in-memory result sets, thereby reducing read response time and overall database load.
  10. Session state information is stored in the report server temporary database, in temporary tables that grow in response to the number of open sessions.
  11. Have all signature information be stored within HTTP request or response headers.
  12. With this technology, electrical energy can be stored directly in a large superconducting magnet as a circulating current It has the major advantages of high efficiency and fast response to power demand.
  13. The interaction between a silo and stored material is investigated by means of seismic response test and calculations.
  14. The middleware use stored procedure to execute some SQL commands, which would decrease the exchanging times between database and client programs and shorten the response time. We use XML data to pass parameters into stored procedure.
  15. The Principle, Implementation of Stored Response FIR Digital Filters and Their Applications
  16. The data map is stored according to sheet or block in an embedded system, thus causing seam in the cutting-border for a physical integrated line feature. Fast response and seamless display make it necessary to study cutting line feature seamless connection.
  17. The stored energy is the macroscopic indication of the amount and distribution of micro-defects and the damage state. It can be obtained indirectly recurring to the heat response.
  18. Compared with the file system where data are stored as file stream and the relational database system where data are stored as BLOB, the throughput and the capability of concurrent processing has been increased about 30%, and the response time is always maintained at 200ms.
  19. The large scale complex equations are stored by one-dimensional variant-banded and are solved by the method of improved incomplete Choleskey conjugate gradient and the response of electromagnetic LWD tool is deserved.